I want to welcome all the invited readers to the new Vinylvault! As Lex said on the cbox, "Now the fun can begin!" I want to thank you for being devoted and loyal to vinylvault! Now we will be able to post the sickest classic 12inches you won't find on other blogs! The only thing I ask from everyone is to contribute to the blog by either sending us a full 12inch to post, donation, or commenting on the 12's we post. We take a lot of time to post classics to share with everyone...so drop a comment, a thank you, a 12inch to post, or whatever you want. I'm alittle tipsy right now drinking Ciroc Vodka...lol so I'm going to cut it short for now but thanks for joining us! --12inchjunkie & Rob
As 12InchJunkie stated, welcome to our private blog. This will be our little VinylVault family. We would love for you to comment on anything that is on your mind, is there a track your looking for and think we could help, you downloaded a track and found a couple of pops or clicks on it, the link is bad, did you listen to the new Judy Torres track for example, need someone to talk to? etc.etc. We want you to feel comfortable at VinylVault. We also ask that everyone respects each other.
I know 12inchjunkie mentioned donations and I would like to give you a little example of why. I personally burn my vinyl and take the time to clean out the pops, clicks, hiss and then normalize it once all is done. For those who are not familiar with the burning and cleaning process of a vinyl or tape, let me explain it for you real quick. Vinyl and tapes are not like CDs where you could pop it in and burn the track without listening to it. When it comes down to vinyl or tapes, you literally have to sit there and listen through the whole vinyl or tape while it's recording. Once that's done, I scan through the whole track and look for pops, cliks, hiss and what not. A track that is 3,4 or 5 minutes long could take me half and hour, an hour or even more depending on the condition of the vinyl or tape. It's a time consuming process, which I currently have because I'm unemployed. L.O.L. I try to give it to you as I would love to have it. Once I upload it, I put that same copy into my music hard drive and leave it there. I do not leave it in my temp folder to clean it later and just upload what I have for now, I'll give it to you as how I feel it's quality is good enough for me.
We'll use the money to buy hard to find vinyl that we'll obviously share with you. We're not going to pocket the money and want this blog to be more of a time machine for you. Listen to a track you haven't heard in years and be like, HOLY SHIT. I remember where I was when i first heard this track. I'll tell you again, I wish I could go back. I've been so nastolgic these past three months it's ridiculous. Ok enough said, I didn't realize I wrote so much. Welcome again to Vinyl Vault and please, feel at home.
Take care and hope all is well with you and yours. =)~ Rob & 12"Junkie.