If you left me your email and haven't received anything from me please leave your email address in the comments again. I'm pretty sure I sent out emails to everyone that left me their email but I wanna make sure. Thanks 12inchjunkie
hi,just discovered this amazing site only to hear that you're about to move it,please send info to ghsix8@yahoo.co.uk .also notice that a lot of the newer posts are only password downloadable and there's a lot of stuff here that i used to have in my collection that i'd love to hear again but don't know how to go about getting the password?many thanks
Hi This is my first time here and it is an awesome blog you have here. Is there a chance that I can get pw for some of the older links Also if you are moving to another site, can I please let me know so I can follow. I appreciate it. My email is frank200@hotmail.com Thanks....
himate, i've just discover your great blog i appreciate much all your hard work on it. i love your releases, and i've read you've apened another web blog.can u update me about it? thanx in advance email: mixnos@yahoo.com
Hello, I would like to donate since this site is a gemm. please send me the password to gross.yuval@gmail.com and I will make a sincere donation. thank you.
Hello, I would like to donate since this site is a gemm. please send me the password to gross.yuval@gmail.com and I will make a sincere donation. thank you.
We had corresponded back and forth a few times - you directly e-mailed me about joining the new inception (and I offered to pay if needed), but I heard nothing further after our second communication. Please contact me at club-beat-zz@hotmail.com
I am a electronic dance enthusiast and the records you have on your site are some of my favorites.I never seen a great collection of records like this that I actually recognize since I started buying Bad Boy Bill,RichardVission, Czr house mixes.How much money to donate to get the password?
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
hi bro! I want to join your community, could you tell me the password! If I can make something for you, let to me know! please also send me the new site info! Thanks isthis0@gmail.com
Hey mate thanks for this great blog i have a discogs account and i need the password to preview some music to buy it. Thanks a lot my e-mail is m.katsaprinis@gmail.com
Just discovering your blog now... it's awesome. Can't wait to see the new site. I'd like a password to the downloads, got some great ones in there and it would be nice to hear cuts I can't get on youtube before I buy the vinyl. I noticed you were looking for Jenny Burton's Rock Steady in the requests, I'd be happy to upload a rip of mine if you still want it. Thanks, K
some of the posts you've made are the only place on the net i've been able to find certain records. may i leave you my email now and know whatsup with your new site??
Hi could you provide me the password for the mediafire downlaods, i wanted to download some for my colection i dont intend to share them afterwards. thank you. primatas_@hotmail.com
Hey man this blog is amazing any chance i could get the pw for some of the older posts, would love to help out as i'm currently digitalizing my entire vinyl collection...
hi,just discovered this amazing site only to hear that you're about to move it,please send info to ghsix8@yahoo.co.uk .also notice that a lot of the newer posts are only password downloadable and there's a lot of stuff here that i used to have in my collection that i'd love to hear again but don't know how to go about getting the password?many thanks
Hey mate this blog is amazing any chance i could get the pw for some of the older posts, would love to help out if you need anything aswell.
email : andrewshinners@gmail.com
please also send me the new site info at : anthony [at] elenchusdesign.com
hey man, pls send me the new site info... cheers tom@millionhands.net
Hi, what great work! keep it up, if you can send info about the new site to glyn182@hotmail.com would be fantastic! thanks
hey, would be cool to get some info! davidmast@hotmail.de
would love to join your blog! please email me info djrampage83@gmail.com thanks.
Great vinyl 12inches.Cant wait 2 see the new site. tlaboss@gmail.com
hey there,
huge fan of the work you do here. would love to keep abreast with the new site and everything you have going on.
email: sebasten.pd@gmail.com
Hi, I'd like to join. My email is ladyfoursquare@gmail.com
ajrodriguez@me.com is my email address. :)
Seb I tried emailing you but it didn't go thru, is that the correct email you gave me?
please send new site. thanks! jbrentcooper@gmail.com
so much great stuff. want to hear it so bad!!! please let me know how i can get the password. thanx...
please hook me up:
I would love to join, my email is
Thanks for all the classic jams! Would love to join your new site: daveknapik@gmail.com - hit me up, please! :)
Would love to join! Really keen on some old chicago house.
email: duckpatch[at]gmail[dot]com
Hey looking for the password for VA - Jack Trax - The Sixth CD
My email is yummycheese69@yahoo.com
Great blog !!!
Be very happy if you could add me!
Thanks bro!
hi man,just found this blog; man this is great.plz send me the info of the new blog thanks alot, keep up the great work , bless
my email : mtn.tespay@gmail.com
thnaks again!
hey, please send me new infos to: partylarry@yahoo.de
Yes mate, what u doin is great,
Would love info on the new site. May be able to help with some vinyl rips too as I have around 4,000 sitting in my room! herewardshaw@mac.com
amazing site... priceless music... please send me your site information much appreciated... Toby
oops forgot my email
Would love to join! .great blog
thanks man for your work!
Thank you so much!
Can't believe this archive is available! SO many classics.
thanks for the great music!
lowlowlevel [at] gmail.com
Please include me! Been following your blog(s0 for ages.
Hey Bro this blog is amazing please send me the new site info.....
great work
my email: lucky@sastudiosglobal.com
I would like the password to the Steve Poindexter remixes
Thanks so much
Yo totally hyped about this blog! Keep up that House for real…flfnrx11@gmail.com
Hi This is my first time here and it is an awesome blog you have here. Is there a chance that I can get pw for some of the older links Also if you are moving to another site, can I please let me know so I can follow. I appreciate it. My email is frank200@hotmail.com Thanks....
i want to downliad an ep here but the passs is trotectd.. i realle want to have this ep.. so please let me know what to do!
many thanks
hi i ws always check this site and i want to be part of this awsome blog..thanx.. my name is danny and my email is:
Great site, just happened upon it.
please keep me updated
keep up the good work
Hi! Amazing blog you've got. Keep the love and sharing!
Thank you!
Would love to stay updated on your blog buddy.
himate, i've just discover your great blog i appreciate much all your hard work on it. i love your releases, and i've read you've apened another web blog.can u update me about it?
thanx in advance
email: mixnos@yahoo.com
Hey, please send info to mindofminolta@gmail.com many thanks!
Hey, my email address is mindofminolta@gmail.com hope to hear from you. thanks
Great blog! Please send me the new pass info at djgoodtimes001@gmail.com
Please can you add djariser@gmail.com to your list.
I havea large collection of old school house and acid on vinyl from 87 onwards
hey man - love the site - bremix865@aol.com would love the pw for kristine w
Would love it if you can invite me to the new site. Can you share the password for downloads on this site?
email: zef99@hotmail.com
love your blog
don\t forgot 'bout me
big up!
Hi, your blog is sensational! Please send me the password of Joey Beltram - Trax Classix. Thanks edu.ours@hotmail.com
thanks for the amazing site great music
I look from Japan
a ri ga to
email: mikatracks@gmail.com
great blog classics forever this is my e-mail thanks djjam_91@hotmail.com
i would love to join / trade please contact me at mikelalley@hotmail.com Many thanks!
I need some passwords of older posts.
Great blog.
Aluisio Fernandes
Hi would love to hear about the new a site my email is ihsanburak@gmail.com
I would like to donate since this site is a gemm. please send me the password to gross.yuval@gmail.com and I will make a sincere donation. thank you.
I would like to donate since this site is a gemm. please send me the password to gross.yuval@gmail.com and I will make a sincere donation. thank you.
Hi,I would love to hear these tunz again could u set me up.My email is danielsready@yahoo.com.
Hi,I would love to hear these tunz again could u set me up.My email is danielsready@yahoo.com.
plus anything i could do to help just let me know
It would be nice to download these.My email is danielsready@yahoo.com.
amazing blog, need the password :)
thank you very much
i've traded with the blog before, so i want to trade stuff again and be part of the new blog. send me the info: llennnn16@gmail.com
got lots of uk garage tracks for swaps!
please leave me some emails. mortenlowenstein@gmail.com
please leave me some emails. mortenlowenstein@gmail.com
hi,this blog is amazing, can you send me the new site info please,,, thanks this is my email
Your blog is GREAT!! Password plox? fattyfathaha@hotmail.com
Great blog, I'd love to have the password emailed to me when you get the chance please:
Also check out my blog at:
We had corresponded back and forth a few times - you directly e-mailed me about joining the new inception (and I offered to pay if needed), but I heard nothing further after our second communication. Please contact me at club-beat-zz@hotmail.com
Thank you. Beatz
Please to be letting me into your new site:
I love some of the old tracks you got here. I'm dying to heard Ain't Nothin But a Hoe!
hit me up: ryan@runthatshit.com
Fantastic Blog...Nice Work...Respect!!!
Please send pw
really love the site, can you send me the new site info please, thanks this is my email
I am a electronic dance enthusiast and the records you have on your site are some of my favorites.I never seen a great collection of records like this that I actually recognize since I started buying Bad Boy Bill,RichardVission, Czr house mixes.How much money to donate to get the password?
email is danielsready@yahoo.com
I would be an honor to join this and contribute to this fantastic community.
For the love of music, back in the good old days!
Please send me the new site info:
Thanks! :)
Hey!Let me now at
Hey, a lot of cool music here!
will be pleased to get a new adress and a paswword for downloads..
Thanks in advance!
hey man.
i really respect your work here.
could i please get a password to my email so i can donwload?
cheers from serbia.
Hey man love this am i too late for the site????
I'd love to be invited to read your blog...
hey junkie.. it was so long since the last time i've entered here.. i like the new page...
give u my mail just in case u've lost it
aiamgus [at] gmail [dot] com
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
all the best...... dannoso
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
all the best...... dannoso
wow! the music on this blog looks amazing and i'd love to have the password to download the tracks, if it's cool (i'm not quite sure how these things work) can you email the password or instruction on what i have to do to dannoso@me.com
keep up the good work, we appreciate your efforts.
all the best...... dannoso
let's do dis:
Amazing bloooog.
I hope answers ....
greetings from mexico
hi bro! I want to join your community, could you tell me the password! If I can make something for you, let to me know! please also send me the new site info! Thanks
Hello! I love house music, and your site is really cool! I want to join your community, could you tell me the password, and send me the new site info!
fkoath@gmail.com please!!
hey..i love your blog mate....just want to join for this great music
If the site's still active i'd like to be a part of it. i'll gladly donate to keep it going!
Hi, hope to be part of this amazing blog!
oh please ... i hope i'm not too late lolqueen33.3@gmail.com
Hey mate thanks for this great blog i have a discogs account and i need the password to preview some music to buy it. Thanks a lot my e-mail is m.katsaprinis@gmail.com
Please let me the new site info and an old password, your site is awesome. I have a lot of DL's to post..
Hey, please send me the new site info, and an old password, if you can... awesome site
Just discovering your blog now... it's awesome. Can't wait to see the new site. I'd like a password to the downloads, got some great ones in there and it would be nice to hear cuts I can't get on youtube before I buy the vinyl. I noticed you were looking for Jenny Burton's Rock Steady in the requests, I'd be happy to upload a rip of mine if you still want it.
oh. my email is keith.johannson@gmail.com
MY e-mail: ashtarcardoso@hotmail.com
how could i get the password for the albuns????
dear 12 inch junkie,
some of the posts you've made are the only place on the net i've been able to find certain records. may i leave you my email now and know whatsup with your new site??
thanks loads!
hi there,
the content here is really great would love to get some old gems and new updates
pls send some good stuff to:
Hello, This is Michael in Toronto. Please send me the info: romanista@live.ca
full respect.
Hi, real nice page :D
would b really cool if i could get the pw for some older posts. ;)
My email: dj.remind@gmail.com
Hey mate this blog is amazing any chance i could get the pw for some of the older posts, would love to help out if you need anything aswell.
Hi mate,
Its awesome you are post such underground classics. I have only just come across the site.
Could you send me the password as well as a link to your new site?
Also do you have a copy of the boogie balo EP with Ok Kid on it?
Email: nate.j.alex@gmail.com
Hey, amazing blog-great knowledge!
any chances for pass?
I would be more than happy ;))
my email: drumate@googlemail.com
thanks & peace!
please, send me a pass for this paradise.
please send me a pass for this paradise
Absolute top blog. Please send info about new site and download password for some of the older posts to tonka@mail.dk - thanks.
wOHA!nothing but quality!
I would love an invite...
Great finds here! Would love to be added to the list. Thanks.
- - - brianpprice@gmail.com
why am I always late :(
Hey mate,
Another latecomer, can't believe i didn't know about this earlier... Would love to get involved with the new site...
i sent you my request b4, but still didnt get the info... plz send it 2 mtn.tespay@gmail.com
thanx alot
Will be able to greatly contribute to the swapping program. Have many unreleased / hard to find classics from late 90's:
Hi could you provide me the password for the mediafire downlaods, i wanted to download some for my colection i dont intend to share them afterwards.
thank you.
Great blog, after the FK EP.
So looking for the pasword.
Add me please: impaaakt@gmail.com
great blog and even greater music, how and where is the new blog? would love to join... thanks!
Hey man this blog is amazing any chance i could get the pw for some of the older posts, would love to help out as i'm currently digitalizing my entire vinyl collection...
email: mandrianne@yahoo.fr
Hi, just saw this site only to find out it is closed. Looking to join and be part of what you decide next. Willing to donate. Thanks in advance
email: onecent1@gmail.com
Hi there,
Just realized that vinyl vault is resting. Could you send me the address for you new site. Thanks COCOY
Awesome blog, would love an add to the new one. geggytah87@hotmail.com
amazing blog man any chance you could hook me up ;) email: phenmarks@gmail.com
So annoyed to only have recently found this blog! Would love to join your new site. If you see this message hit me up on fingersincakes@gmail.com
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