Thursday, December 24, 2009


What's up Vinyl Vault Family?! It's been a minute since I written something, Been very busy and all with my new House that I'm moving too, Fixing things, taking down wall paper and's just crazy! Got about a week till I move everything over there then it's back to normal. I just wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas and that you spend your day with family and close friends that you care for. It's been hard on alot of us this year with the Recession, many have lost there jobs, & homes. Hope that 2010 will be a better year for the people struggling financially. For Christmas help those that are really in need there's many children that won't be able to get a gift for x-mas because many parent's can't afford too. Be safe don't drink & drive tonight...Hope everyone receives what they wanted for Christmas. Merry Christmas To All!---12inchjunkie

1 comment:

M/\RC said...

Merry Christmas to all! May we all find peace and joy and to a healthy new year ahead!! Peace out.