Sunday, March 8, 2009

For All The People That Are New To Our Blog!!!

To the new people checking out the blog please drop a comment on the post we do, we do take a lot of time to rip the vinyl and posting them up for everyone to download. We also have the chatroll on the right to chat with us when we're on. Lets us also know what you think of our blog and if you want to be a part of us and contribute your classic 12's please lets us know. Thanks ---12inchjunkie


Anonymous said...

keep me posted bro,ill be there to contribute as much as i can

12InchJunkie said...

Got you Mark!

M/\RC said...

A little word of "Thanks" does alot and whatever else comes in an opinion of a post. Vinyl ripping a classic is nerve racking IMO. Time taking and patience. Then you have the part where to cleaning it up so it'll sound better. Gracias, Arigatou, Vinaka, salamat, Merci Beaucoup,Go raibh maith agat, Mahalo, Grazie. Thanks! =)